Frequently Asked Questions

Participation in the Program

Unless otherwise required by law, as an innovator, the funded Third Party will be acting as (joint) data controller in respect to the personal data collected and processed for your service. This means that it will be liable for compliance with the applicable data protection laws.

Access Rights to Background and Results may be requested by the selected applicants from a BD4NRG Partner only in certain cases and under certain conditions clearly stated at the Contract Funding Agreement.

Yes, the ownership of all material, documents or information created by the selected applicant, via the BD4NRG cascade funding, will remain with the selected applicant. Results are owned by the party that generates them. Intellectual Property Rights Policy will be stated in detail in the Contract Funding Agreement. Provisions concerning joint ownership of the results of the funding projects will also be outlined on the above document.

Selected applicants will be supported during the development of their proposals by BD4NRG Consortium. A Mentoring Team (consisted by certain BD4NRG Consortium Partners) will assist the whole period of the development phase the funding proposals, providing support for technical/business issues. Selected applicants will receive from BD4NRG Consortium partners an initial briefing to discuss and focus the services to be developed during the development period. Selected applicants are able to contact the Mentoring Team on per-need basis on technical and business matters. The Mentoring Team will monitor on timely basis the progress of the proposals in order to ensure the proper execution of the planned work.

Legal notice

The answers provided in the FAQs are neither an agreement, nor a promise of any kind, and have no legal value. You should carefully review all terms and conditions of the Guide for Applicants before submitting your proposal.

Our initiative is to keep this information timely and accurate. If errors are identified, we will try to correct them. However, the BD4NRG Consortium disclaim any and all liability that may results from relying on the FAQs. The FAQs are:

  • of general nature and is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular individual or entity;
  • not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or updated;
  • not substitute for professional or actual legal advice.